Game Reviews

A journey of a man reaching Video Game Heaven

Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition Review [Minor Spoilers]

Number of hours played: 60 hoursCompletion status: Main story completed

Raven's Choice DLC - Thumbnail

Lazy Review: Gravity Rush 2 – Raven’s Choice DLC

And now we finally arrive at the finale of this Gravity Rush adventure. It was weird, it was wild, but most of all, it was pretty fun. And what better way to end it all off than to review the last piece of content released for Gravity Rush 2, the Raven’s Choice DLC. So Raven’s…
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Gravity Rush 2 Review Box Art

Gravity Rush 2 Review [Minor Spoilers]

Number of hours played: ~27 hours Completion status: Main story completed + most sidequests

Lazy Review: Detroit Become Human

One of my friends always had this to say whenever we talked about David Cage’s games: “His games always start out strong, but as you keep playing, you’ll realize that everything starts to fall apart”. While I was a bit skeptical of what he said, it wasn’t until I played Detroit Become Human, that I…
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Okami Review [Minor Spoilers]

Number of hours played: ~25 hours Completion status: Main story

Fire Emblem Warriors Review [Minor Spoilers]

Number of hours played: ~70 hours Completion status: Main story + most side content

Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony Review [Minor Spoilers]

Number of hours played: ~51 hours Completion status: Main story + side content

Gravity Rush Review [Minor Spoilers]

Number of hours played: ~23 hours Completion status: Platinum trophy + all DLC packs

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Review [Minor Spoilers]

Number of hours played: ~41 hours Completion status: Main story completed + minimal sidequests

Tales of Berseria Review [Minor Spoilers]

  Number of hours played: ~56 hours Completion status: Main story finished + some sidequests