Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony Review [Minor Spoilers]

Number of hours played: ~51 hours
Completion status: Main story + side content
Ahem! Now then, let’s begin with a basic explanation of the class trial!
During the trial you’ll present your arguments for who the culprit is, and vote for “whodunnit.”
Vote correctly, and only the blackened will be punished. But if you pick the wrong person…
I’ll punish everyone *besides* the blackened, and that person will graduate from this academy!
Also, refusing to vote will result in your death, so you better vote for someone!
Now, let’s get this crazy, awesome, crazy-awesome trial underway!


Hey! I know you’re in here, come out right now, or I’ll make you come out myself!
Mmmmm huh? Where am I? What is this place?
Ugh, this is why I don’t put anthropomorphic animals in class trials, they’re always so behind the curve.
Hey! I’ll let you know that I’m not just any anthropomorphic animal, I’m an anthropomorphic Dragon, how’s that for cool!?
Wait a minute, is that THE Monokuma?
Yes yes, sigh you see what I mean? Anthropomorphic animals these days, just like the stupid duck who’s always one step too late.
Is this one of those famous class trials from Danganronpa!?
Yes, and today we’re in trial for who murdered our latest game, Danganronpa V3.
What!? You mean, Danganronpa V3 is… dead… that can’t be. I remember playing with it just the other day. I-I was even going to do a review on that game!
Wait, but… there’s no one else in here… Are you saying that I’m the culprit…? I DIDN’T DO IT!
Do you remember where you are right now?? This is a class trial. You have to argue your way out!
So, you better start talking now, or I’m going to go forward with your punishment EXTRA EARLY!
Did I really do it? But I don’t remember ever doing such a thing. Okay, calm down, you’ve already seen many trials like this. Remember, you’re the ultimate Danganronpa expert. So, all we have to do, is start from the very beginning.
Then, how about we start first on what we know about Danganronpa V3?
So Danganronpa V3’s development didn’t start until early 2015. That was because at the time, Spike Chunsoft was originally debating on whether to create a sequel to their recently successful entry, Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair, or take Danganronpa in a new direction. Being the money grubbers geniuses that they are, they decided to opt for the creation of both projects, thus beginning development of both Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope’s Peak High School, an anime which was to end the saga of Hope’s Peak Academy, and Danganronpa V3, which was to start an entirely new saga in the Danganronpa universe, but still retaining the series mascot Monokuma within the game.
That’s also a reason why Danganronpa V3 has an added “V” in front of its name, mainly because they wanted “V” to stand for victory, but also so that they could differentiate it from the anime.
By the way speaking of the anime, you want me to cover that too?
No need, we’ve already taken care of that in another class trial..
Anyways keep talking!
Throughout Danganronpa V3’s promotional campaign, there was a single theme that had been prominently shown, the theme of “truth and lies”, instead of the usual theme of “hope vs despair” that were present in the previous two games. You see, this time around, the game wanted to heavily promote the idea that Danganronpa V3 was different by showing that you can advance through it’s trials with both truths and lies. On top of that, the game was also being developed on the PS4, a first considering how Danganronpa games up till this point have been mainly relegated for portable releases. Thus, they also wanted to promote the game’s venture into home consoles, emphasizing its use of 4k graphics, better detail in environments, and other various side content elements that are geared towards a console audience.
Yea, now that I think about it, from the looks of things, it seemed like Danganronpa V3 was on the verge of elevating the series into new heights.
So then… how did it end up like this?
Maybe, there might be something about the fact that the game was essentially marketed towards two different types of audiences, hardcore fans who have stuck with the series through thick and thin, and newcomers who won’t need to play the previous games to enjoy Danganronpa V3.
Then, could any of them have been the culprit?
No good, it looks like I’m going to have to dig a bit deeper.
Hey Monokuma, since I’m the only person in this class trial, I should be able to ask you questions directly, especially since you are directly involved with Danganronpa V3, being the series mascot and all.
Hmmm alright, I usually don’t like to involve myself in these trials, but since you are the only one here, I guess I can help entertain you for a little bit.
Do you have any basis for pinning the crime on me? From what I see, there isn’t much evidence to go around this time. So, it has to be either my alibi or my motive that forms the basis for your accusation.
… puhuhu, you’re really trying to wiggle your way out of this one.
What do you mean? Answer my question!
You may be the Ultimate Danganronpa Expert. But that’s not going to help you here. This class trial is different from the ones you’ve seen.
As for your question, I think you already know the answer to that.
What is he talking about… Wait, is he referring to that … No, that shouldn’t be the case at all. Especially since I know for a fact that Danganronpa V3 is the best in the series thus far.
Then, I’ll just have to prove it to him through another angle
Heh, even if the class trial’s different, it won’t stop me! Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to call myself the ultimate Danganronpa Expert
puhuhu, you better not disappoint me then.
Then let’s move on to what Danganronpa V3 was doing on the day that he was murdered.
Warning, from this moment on, there will be slight spoilers regarding the beginning of the game, if you wish to play the game spoiler-free, we suggest you skip till you see the next instruction. Got it? Awesome, THEN I’M OFF.
So, if I remember correctly…
The story begins just like pretty much any other Danganronpa game. The protagonist of the story, Kaede Akamatsu, stumbles out of a locker dazed into a desolate classroom, its windows covered in barb wire, and the ceilings populated by draping wildlife. Slowly regaining her consciousness back, she meets a young man named Shuichi Saihara, who also stumbled out of the locker next to hers. Together they start exploring around the school they are in (which is completely covered in lush green plant wildlife, suggesting that it had not been in use for quite some time) in order to try and find answers. But right as they are about to do so, they are ambushed by a group of giant robots, and chased into the gym, where more trapped students happened to be waiting. There the students receive their ultimate talents and attire with a little help from Monokuma’s children piloting the robots , the Monokubs.
Thus, the story finally begins as Kaede Akamatsu, stumbles out of a locker dazed into a desolate classroom, its windows covered in…
Hey wait a minute! Didn’t I say this already? Monokuma is this your doing!?
Huh? What is my doing?
As they are exploring, they happen to meet other classmates that are also stuck in the same predicament as they are. Kaede and Shuichi briefly talk with each of them, trying to figure out what sort of situation they’re all in. But alas, everyone else is also in the dark as to what exactly is happening. Eventually everyone meets up in the gym again.
Gosh how long is this going to take?
Where this time around, the Monokubs shows up and finally lets everybody know what the heck is going on around here.

Gee, who would of thought
So long story short, the students are to kill each other in order to escape their current confinement and have a chance to return to society. The kicker is that a class trial must be held after every murder, where students yell, argue, and debate on who the killer, or the “blackened” is. In the end, depending on the results of the trial, the blackened is either executed or escapes while the rest of the students are executed.
Yea yea! Aren’t class trials exciting!?
Too bad it’s just you here by your lonesome self, god I am so bored… Can we just get to voting time?
Hey, I never asked to be in a class trial, let alone a class trial where there’s no one else to argue and debate with
Are you saying it’s my fault! Adults would pay to see me hold class trials!
Anyways seems like you’re just stalling at this point, so I’ll just cut to the chase. You claim to be a lover of all things Danganronpa, but isn’t it true that you’ve been getting a bit bored of the Danganronpa games as of late?
All silent now are we, guess I was right after all.
So, you were referring to that after all. Sigh, fine, guess I should go explain myself.
Before I do however, I would like to make one point clear. I still think that Danganronpa V3 is the best entry in the Danganronpa series yet. It is in my opinion the darkest the series has seen so far, with many sinister twists and turns that will leave you questioning every single bit of dialogue you come across. The ending is also extremely well done, providing a very cathartic and unique payoff to the series as a whole, which is very important in genres of stories such as this one, where its most pivotal moments lie in the eventual payoff of the mystery you’ve been trying to solve all game. However, it should be mentioned there’s been a lot of talk about the ending within the Danganronpa community, and whether it-
Whoa whoa whoa, hold it right there Mister!
What I was just getting to the good part, don’t you want me to explain myself??
That’s right, but you were just about to spoil the fun for everyone, and as the mediator of this class trial. I simply cannot allow that.
O——K, guess I’ll move on then.
When it comes to the overall pacing of the story, it’s a bit like riding a rollercoaster ride, there are ups and downs, but never a constant stable journey throughout. This is one of the few areas where I believe the game falls short compared to previous games. The trial sections are excellent as always, but the daily life sections can get quite boring and tiresome, since not much is happening in terms of plot progression. It honestly sometimes feels like the characters are all waiting reactively for the next big plot point to drop, which takes away the urgency from the entire situation. Now this would work in certain cases, but in my opinion, in a story where the stakes are so high, it creates an incredibly jarring contrasting effect that often derails the flow of the story.
And now to address the elephant in the room. Yes, it is true that I’ve been getting bored of playing Danganronpa games recently, and yes, this includes Danganronpa V3. But the reason isn’t one out of spite of the series, but one of concern. You see, despite the game being marketed as being completely different from past Danganronpa games, a majority of the scenarios present in the game are ones I have seen before in other Danganronpa games. Now I normally wouldn’t criticize something like this, especially if it had worked so well in the past, but this time around I felt that it dragged certain parts of the story down. Mainly because there are certain parts of the game where you could see the potential new ideas that could have been used, but was instead held back by the series’ formulaic roots. I can’t help but feel that the game was trying to go for something completely different, but in fear of alienating its older fans, sank back into its own tropes. That to me is the biggest shame I had with this game, especially when it comes to genres such as mystery and crime fiction, where its main appeal is in its novelty and unique scenarios.
I’d just like to quickly say, I hope that you’re not referring to me when you say this series is getting stale.
Cause you see, I don’t take criticism very well unfortunately.
Oh no, you were great as always Monokuma, yep, no problems with you hahaha… Please don’t kill me.
I don’t know about that, at this point I’m even more convinced that you are the one who did it!
Damn it! I guess what I said didn’t help my case much. Look, even though I have some problems with the game, there’s still a lot I enjoyed in this game!
I know, how about I talk about something arguably just as important as the story, the characters.
As per series tradition, Danganronpa V3 features a unique cast of characters, each with their own unique and zany personalities. Now what’s great about Danganronpa’s characters is that since they’re all so eccentric and varied, both in terms of personality and aesthetics, it naturally allows players to find and gravitate towards certain characters that you like. Especially when you have beauties such as Keebo, the ultimate ahoge, Korekiyo, the ultimate Kakashi wannabe, Maki, the ultimate sushi roll…
Wait a minute, these weren’t in my notes, who touched my notebook!
Oh yeah, before you woke up, I took a quick look through your notebook and made a few minor changes. It was looking really plain and boring, just like yourself!
If I may have a quick word, did you change anything else in my notebook?
puhuhu, why don’t you find out for yourself?
Sigh, as I was saying.
In terms of overall quality in character writing, I believe that Danganronpa V3 sports the best cast of characters in any Danganronpa game I have seen. Each character is presented to be much more smart and cunning in comparison to previous titles
Well, everyone except Gonta. Sorry, Gonta, no hard feelings.
A-As I was saying..
Because they are so much keener about the situations they are in, it means that they generally have a much bigger presence in trials than in previous games. Though the main protagonist is still doing most of the work compared to others.
It also means that the murder mysteries enacted by the students are generally much more elaborate and bizarre, since they’ll have to work much harder in trying to fool their own classmates and get away with the murder. All in all, the great character writing ended up inexplicably creating much more interesting trials to play through, and overall matches back to the theme of “truth and lies”, since you don’t know exactly who you can trust.
For the most part at least, there are still some kinks here and there for individual characters that I could tackle, but I’ll save that for another time. Monokuma’s been looking at me funny this entire time.
… Um Monokuma, is everything OK?
Huff huff, I sense something quite disturbing from you. Say, what do you think about my dear sweet children? They’re just so cute, and you know how protective a mother bear could be.
Oh ah, the monokubs you mean. Ha ha, funny you should say that
Danganronpa V3 also features a new cast of characters unique to its setting, the monokubs. They generally served as more as comic relief characters, being the bastard I mean beautiful children of the glorious Monokuma himself. While I personally found fun in their comedy schticks, they do tend to take away from the dread and intensity that’s generally present in Danganronpa, making it harder for the audience to take situations seriously.
Does that answer your question Monokuma?
Huff huff, huh, that’s weird, I suddenly have an urge to eviscerate you on the spot. Hold on, I’ll deal with this.
There, much better.
… Huh, did something just happen? I feel like I just avoided a near death experience.
Nope, that’s totally just your imagination. We’ve always been in here, yep, nothing wrong here.
Now, back to the main program.
Alatoren. You know, I feel kinda bad, dragging you around, having you defend yourself like this even though we both know you did it.
Hey, you’re the only one who’s thinking that. I know for a fact I didn’t do it.
So, I’ve decided that I’ll be the big man this time, and entertain you until you’re ready to give up. How’s that sound?
Why is he so adamant on knowing that I’m the killer?
Forget that, I have bigger things to worry about. Seems like no matter how much I argue, he’s not going to change his mind. If that’s the case, then he has to know something that I don’t. Seems like figuring out that fact is the only shot I have left.
Here goes nothing
Alright, I’ll accept, there’s still quite a lot I have to say about Danganronpa V3. So please bear with me.
puhuhu… You just don’t give in do you. But then again, that’s what makes this fun.
Hmph. Then it’s time that I finally talk about Danganronpa V3’s gameplay!
The gameplay in Danganronpa V3 is best described as a walk through memory lane; being very similar to previous titles in the franchise, though it does introduce a healthy amount of new mechanics to keep things fresh this time around. For those who are unfamiliar with the core gameplay of Danganronpa, the games mainly revolve around the cycle of a daily school life, where you are given a bit of freedom to explore the school, talk with your fellow classmates, and indulge in some minigames as well as finding collectibles; and class trials, where you work with your classmates to discover the truth of a murder case and uncover the culprit of the crime.
Do players get to socialize with me??
What-no, Monokuma stop trying to derail my train of thought!
And no, they do not. Nothing good comes from talking to you anyway.
Back on topic
During class trials, players engage in the core trial minigames as well some new ones unique to Danganronpa V3. These minigames are the nonstop debates, where you listen to your classmates’ statements individually, and either agree or contest their statements with the right “truth bullet” containing the contradicting or supporting evidence. There’s also variants in nonstop debates in the form of mass panic debates, where you are now instead doing it with three classmates at once, and rebuttal showdowns, where you and another classmate debate mano-a-mano, fighting off their advances and counteracting with your own.
One interesting thing to note about the class trials in this game is that the game’s director, Kazutaka Kodaka, stated that there was an emphasis on “lies”, meaning that you can commit perjury, or “lie” during certain sections of a trial by turning a truth bullet into its opposite meaning to drive the conversation in an entirely new direction. However, in my opinion, this feature was vastly underused, as there were only a few sections during each trial where you can commit perjury. When you can commit perjury is a bit unclear (such as there being a slight variance in the music), and even when you do commit a perjury, more often than not it only leads to the following scene to have slightly different dialogue, before converging back into the path the story wants to take. Overall the new perjury system didn’t really add any new interactivity in the class trials, with them only having a minor difference in consequences.
Lies?? People have been lying in my trials!? Alatoren, find me those people, CAUSE IT’S TIME FOR PUNISHMENT.
Monokuma calm down! They’re not here. Besides… I bet you’ve done your own fair share of lying too, everyone has their own secrets. Am I wrong?
*gasp* I would never, how could you ever say that about moi?
Looks like he’s not budging, guess I’ll have to press harder.
The new minigames in the class trials meanwhile are a bit more hit and miss, some of them are great additions and provide interesting ways for the player to interact with during class trials. Examples include scrum debates, where you have to match the correct statements to the opposing debater. This minigame is great at generating a fiery intensity and giving the player the feeling that the characters really are debating fiercely against each other, taking sides on whichever arguments they agree with the most. Other times however the minigames seem to do nothing but test the player’s patience by prolonging them from uncovering facts that they probably had known already before playing them. The biggest offenders in this category are Psyche Taxi, a minigame that just takes way too long, in which you have to drive a taxi and awkwardly pick up in what could be best described as Mario Kart item boxes to form the question before picking the right answer; and Mind Mine, where you don’t even have to cleverly figure out the answer, and instead just pick from three or four options, made even more unbearable by having to clear away blocks before being able to do so.
That’s all I have to say for the main mechanics for the game, but there’s far more that the game offers outside of its main story.
Danganronpa V3 also has plenty to offer after the ending credits roll, with modes such as talent development plan, monokuma’s test, and salmon team, that will keep players busy for hours on end.
Though I haven’t personally finished all the side content just yet, I can safely say that the new minigames offered are a welcome addition that provide a hefty amount of fanservice for its fans. And I’m going to have to be honest, they are going to need it if they want to be able to bear the wait for the next Danganronpa game, which unfortunately isn’t going to come out in a very long time.
Especially after the murder of Danganronpa V3, which I still haven’t figured out yet. Guess I went off on a bit of a tangent after I started talking about the gameplay. I hope Monokuma isn’t mad.
Umph, Am Shori, I wash sho hungre tat I hadt to grap a biate.
Also, I found this little bugger crawling outside.
Ahem, nobody saw anything. Now, where were we?
Oh yes, Monokuma, I’ve noticed that you’ve been awfully careful about how you talked with me ever since I talked about gameplay. I know you’re hiding something! Until you tell me what it is your hiding, I won’t say a word.
Oh this won’t do. We all know that you still have far more things to say. So why don’t I help you out just this once?
Ha! There’s no way he’s getting me to-
Danganronpa V3’s graphic fidelity has only grown sharper ever since it started in its PSP roots. The UI is incredibly stylized with a bright neon colour palette, giving the game a very grounded and jazzy look in comparison to the bright and poppy style of Danganronpa 2, and the oppressive intense atmosphere of Danganronpa 1. Character perspectives are now played out akin to manga and comics, with multiple characters able to be shown on the game screen through panel layering, which also gives it the benefit of emphasizing certain character’s dialogue at precise moments by masterfully playing around with the panel layout to naturally direct the player’s attention to the correct viewpoint.
I can’t control my body, is this the work of-
The backgrounds this time around are also much more detailed, from the incredibly lush natural plant life to the densely populated sci-fi look of the game’s more futuristic areas. The stark contrast between the two types of backgrounds really help to elevate the sense of uniqueness in the game’s setting. The amazing lighting effects seen in the interior of the school also help accentuate the details in the backgrounds, making them more crisp and vibrant.
The character models themselves are also much cleaner and distinct, making them pop out of the beautiful environments, while also surprisingly blending in with it really well at the same time.
Overall, the game’s great use of its colour palette, demonstrated through its character models, UI and background design, make it the most vibrant Danganronpa game to have come out, both graphically and thematically.
So, thank you Monokuma, you did good.
Oh thanks. You are too kind!
Hey wait! That wasn’t what I wanted to say at all!
Oh reeeaaally, because I know for a fact that that’s exactly what you had to say about the beautiful world that I created!
Look! I know for a fact that you’ve-
D-Don’t worry, I’ll handle this!
With the Danganronpa series entering its third entry, Kodaka wanted to accurately portray the growth of the franchise ever since its first release back in 2010. Along with the multitude of changes he had already made to the series, he also changed the thematic tone of its music, opting to go for the theme of “psycho cool” as opposed to “psycho pop” featured in the previous games. Now while I can’t accurately define what the term “psycho cool” means, I can offer my opinion on why I think Danganronpa’s music is so unique.
The strongest asset of Danganronpa’s music is in my opinion how it encompasses a variety of different genres, to the point where it became its own genre of “psycho” music as described by its music director Masafumi Takada. This results in the series having its own unique sound, one that can get your heart pumping in a fiery intensity as well as cower in fear and dread as you painfully await the game’s next course.
Whew, crisis averted
What was that just now?
Oh, while you were busy yelling your loudmouth over there, I finished the final part of the review for you.
Huh? Review? What review?
Wow, you are so clueless.
Anyways, aren’t you taking this a little too far. I admit I certainly took it too far
What are you saying?
Look, we all know that you didn’t do it. I was just messing with you to make this whole schtick more exciting.
So why don’t you have just give your good old closing argument, and I’ll let you go on your merry way!
How do I know you’re not just pulling my leg again?
Rrrgh, just get on with it already. I’m starting to get fed up with this!
Hmm, he does seem a bit apologetic. But knowing Monokuma, there’s always something else I’m not aware of. Besides, I’m still not any closer to figuring out the murder of Danganronpa V3.
Before I worry about that though, I should get out of here first. Then I’ll do some more research once I’m out. Seems like that’s the best choice, so I’ll just have to take the gamble.
Fine, then it’s time for me to give my closing argument!
Danganronpa V3 is still an excellent game worthy of carrying the series torch, while it doesn’t manage to pull far enough away from the formulas established by its predecessors, and I had a great time with it. It still offers up lots of fresh new ideas to the table that help to evolve the series and push it forward.
Would I recommend newcomers to play this game, absolutely! Would I still recommend it if it was their first Danganronpa game? Probably not, since I’d like to think that its best for new players to experience where the series started first, so that they can see the gradual evolution of the games as they play more and more.
And that, should be decisive proof that I didn’t commit the crime. Monokuma, it’s time for you to finally honour your end of the bargain!
… So that’s all you have to say for yourself?
Yep, got a problem with that?
No, I have no problem with that at all
It just means that we can move on to something that’s actually exciting.
It’s time to finally show yourselves, guys!
The time for hope and despair’s inevitable clash has risen once again. Thanks for the invitation Monokuma! It would’ve been a real shame if I had missed this..
Can’t believe I’m getting myself into this mess again, but if its for Hope. I’ll gladly do it.
Hey there Alatoren! Glad you enjoyed our game! I hope you’re willing to battle it out with us one more time. You can’t say no after all..
Huh, what is going on? Why are they here?
Monokuma, what’s the meaning of this!?
puhuhu, did you really think that it would end this easily, not in a million years!
Now… time for the real class trial to begin.
Author’s Note:
For those who managed to make it this far, I sincerely thank you for taking time to read this review of Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony of mine. Before I sign off, I’d just like to make a few shoutouts for all the wonderful people who helped me out in making of this review.
Shoutouts to Hadva for creating the awesome sprites for Alatoren! You can find more of his work at his twitter here: https://twitter.com/Art_of_Hadva
I hope you all enjoyed my review, I know I had a ton of fun making this review myself. If you wanna keep up with my review progress, you can follow me at twitter.com/Mega_Alatreon. My next review should be out within the next week, so please look forward to that! Thanks for reading!