Month: June 2018

A journey of a man reaching Video Game Heaven

Finally Reached 10 Posts….So What Now?

As the title suggests, I finally managed to reach write and publish 10 posts!!

Lazy Review: Detroit Become Human

One of my friends always had this to say whenever we talked about David Cage’s games: “His games always start out strong, but as you keep playing, you’ll realize that everything starts to fall apart”. While I was a bit skeptical of what he said, it wasn’t until I played Detroit Become Human, that I…
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Which Monster Hunter Title Had The Best Endgame?

So this post is going to a little bit different from what I normally post here. Usually, I try to write with a more informative, unbiased (yea I said it) perspective. But since this topic is way more subjective than what I’d normally deal with, I figured that it would be best if I were…
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Persona 5 in 3 hours: Take Your Time or No?

If you’ve ever been around any anime forums, you might have heard of the infamous “three episode rule”, which is a guideline that some anime fans use to judge whether a show is worth their time. The idea is to watch three episodes of an anime series, and if the anime is able to make…
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